Retreats |
BIMS Retreat OfferingsRetreats are a big part of BIMS. We have a very active Retreats Committee that coordinates several residential and non-residential retreats each year. Most of the BIMS residential retreats are held at the beautiful Camp Samish retreat facility. Non-residential retreats are held in Bellingham. Fliers for our retreats come out about two month before the retreat. Note that our non-residential retreats often include a Friday evening talk that is open to the public. Check the website calendar for the individual retreat. The residential retreats at Camp Samish also frequently offer non-retreatants the opportunity to come for evening Dharma talks by the teachers. Upcoming Retreats
Watch the video of the history of BIMS at Camp Samish below. Retreats Notify Email ListIf you want to receive information only about our retreats, please send an email to . Retreat ScholarshipsWith generous donations from members and friends, BIMS is generally able to provide scholarships for each retreat. Retreatants must communicate with the registrar of the retreat to determine the scholarship amount that can be made available to them. Additional information