This Week's Events

Tuesday May 21 at 6:00 pm. Class: Orientation to Insight Meditation.

Tuesday May 21 at 7:00 pm. Meditation: Hybrid meditation.

Tuesday May 21 at 7:30 pm. Dharma Talk: Dharma Talk in Hall with Tim Harlan Marks. Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship


Tuesday May 21 at 6:00 pm. Orientation to Insight Meditation.

Tuesday Jun 18 at 6:00 pm. Orientation to Insight Meditation.


Welcome to Bellingham Insight

Bellingham Insight Meditation Society (BIMS) supports meditation and practice in the Buddhist Theravada tradition. We do not have a single guiding teacher. Rather, we are a sangha-led community. We bring in regional and national teachers, including monastics, for residential and non-residential retreats. Our weekly programs are facilitated by senior members in coordination with our Board and Program Committee.

Bellingham Insight Meditation Society welcomes visitors. To receive announcements and links to our Zoom meetings, join our list-serve by emailing or by e-mailing the listserv moderator.

Insight meditation is a simple and direct practice, the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind/body process through calm and focused awareness. Learning to observe experience from a place of stillness enables one to relate to life with less fear and clinging. Seeing life as a constantly changing process, one begins to accept pleasure, pain, fear, joy and all aspects of life with increasing equanimity and balance. As insight deepens, wisdom and compassion arise. This practice is sometimes called "vipassana", which is a Pali word for insight.

We meet at the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship (BUF): 1207 Ellsworth Street (at the corner of Ellsworth and I Street a few blocks north of downtown). The main entrance faces Ellsworth Street.

You can become a member of the Bellingham Insight Meditation Society by completing the Membership form found on the Supporting BIMS page.


Orientation to Insight Meditation, May 21

Anyone interested is invited to attend an Orientation to Insight Meditation Tuesday, May 17th, from 6 - 6:45 PM, in-person only, at Bellingham Unitarian Church.

We will offer meditation instructions and a guided meditation. There will be time to ask questions and to learn the benefits of establishing a regular meditation practice.

Do come if you - and any of your friends - are interested!!

If you have any questions, please contact Karen Sheldon,


Tuesday, May 17th - Tim Harlan-Marks - Perfection

This week Tim Harlan-Marks will give an orientation to insight meditation at 6:00, and will provide a Dharma talk after our meditation period.

We will meet this Tuesday in our hybrid format: via Zoom and in person at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, 1207 Ellsworth St.

Our main door greeters will let you in until 6:55 pm (after, go around to the back). After a 30 minute silent sit, announcements and introductions Tim will give their talk on "Perfection, improvement and good enough".

Tim says: “It’s easy to get hung up on the pursuit of perfection in so many aspects of our lives, and spiritual practice can certainly be one of them. On Tuesday we’ll explore what it might be like to be in wise relationship to our aspirations for practice, neither selling ourselves short nor holding ourselves to unrealistic standards.”

There will be time for discussion as well as Q and A.

5:45 Hall opens

6:00 Orientation to Insight Meditation

6:45 Zoom room opens

7:00 Silent Meditation

7:30 Introductions, Announcements, Short Break

7:40 Tim Harlan-Marks

8:30 Ending


May 14th - Ajahns Kovilo and Cunda zoom in from Abhayagiri

Our meditation will continue in a hybrid format: in-person at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship (1207 Ellsworth Street, at the corner of Ellsworth and I Street) and also via Zoom. Our greeters will be at the main entrance of BUF until 6:55pm to let you into the building.

Ajahn Kovilo, senior monk from Clear Mountain Monastery and Ajahn Cunda, senior monk from Abhayagiri Monastery will join us for the evening via Zoom. They will lead us in a 1/2 hour guided meditation and offer a dharma talk. Entitled "Practical Insights from Monastic Friendship" the talk is a discussion of spiritual friendship (kaly??amittat?) as it can evolve and grow within in a monastery setting.

6:30 Hall opens

6:45 Zoom room opens

7:00 Guided Meditation

7:30 Introductions and Announcements

7:40 Dharma Talk by Ajahn Cunda and Ajahn Kovilo followed by Q & A


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